What is a‘facilitator’ anyway?

My definition of a ‘facilitator’ is to support others to do their best thinking by creating an environment where people are encouraged to participate, understand one another’s point of view and share responsibilities at hand.  It is my job to select appropriate activities and processes that challenge new and different ways of thinking and hold a safe space to support the new thinking to emerge.

A facilitator does not need to be an expert in the subject matter to be good at their job.In fact, often having a good external facilitator who does not know the ‘jargon’ and organisational hierarchy is the best approach.Participants in workshop may be responding with what they think they should say, rather than what they are really feeling.My role is to support the group by clarifying, questioning, challenging and summarising what has emerged.Creating the right space with the right choice of processes will often encourages people to say what they really mean.This leads to positive change and growth.


Reading the Room