Margaret brings workshops and training to life. She works with all kinds of organisations to design and deliver workshops and training which captures the wisdom and energy of the group. These events are always lively, challenging and fun with productive outcomes.

You can explore a range of services that Margaret offers on this website ...

OR, She can design a workshop especially for you.


Margaret is passionate about providing a positive environment for people to take risks and stretch themselves. Her processes engage both the hearts and minds of participants to achieve real change.

A Bachelor of Teaching and over 25 years' experience in the education sector has equipped her with the tools to read a room and make the best use of people's time and energy.


CReative Facilitation Training


creative facilitation

in schools

community engagement

career invigoration

community leadership




Margaret Foulkes is affiliated with Liminal by Design Pty Ltd

Upcoming events

  • Creative Facilitation

    Bring Your Meetings and Training To Life

    Learn practical and immediate ways to bring more aliveness to your meetings, workshops, training and events.

    January, 2025

    Creative Facilitation

  • TEDx Bells Beach


    Margie Foulkes will be our Emcee for the day. The speakers are highlighting some of the subtle undercurrents we experience in our world, (often unspoken factors), in order for participants to discover, look again and reconsider.

    TEDxBells Beach

Contact ME.
0429 61 61 61